Volunteering - NELFT Volunteering - NELFT
NELFT Headquarters building


A volunteer is a person who undertakes an activity spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment, individual or groups other than (or in addition to) close relatives. NELFT currently has approximately 300+ volunteers and plans to develop further opportunities. 

Volunteers come from a range of backgrounds and apply to the Trust for a number of reasons;

  • They have an interest in mental or community health and wish to support the work of the Trust
  • They are undergoing an educational or training pathway and would like to have some first-hand experience
  • They are considering a career in the NHS and want to find out firsthand if this is for them
  • They are, or have been a service user who wants to gain confidence by doing something they feel is worthwhile
  • Because they want to give back, and because it sounds interesting!
'Best care by the best people' sign on wall

Benefits of volunteering;

  • Volunteering can offer opportunities to gain and develop a range of skills and experience
  • Volunteering can provide social interaction / leisure time
  • Volunteering provides an opportunity to get involved with the local community
  • Volunteers often experience a feeling of self-worth from supporting something they believe in 
  • Volunteers may also benefit from any in-house training undertaken and references in order to enhance future employability
Read more here

“They bring tremendous value to the NHS, volunteering in a variety of roles that enhance the services to patients that paid staff provide, and also assist the NHS in improving and developing services.”

– NHS England, Quote from Volunteering guidelines

Success Stories


Inside NELFT Headquarters

Common volunteering roles include;

  • Ward support / Befriending
  • Activities Support
  • Meet and greet / way finder
  • Admin Support
  • Chaplaincy / Faith volunteers
  • Events Support
  • Response Volunteer

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

To apply to volunteer, please contact NELFT Voluntary Services at
Volunteer@nelft.nhs.uk or call 0300 555 1201 Ext 55802/52148

To complete a volunteer application form please click the apply today link below:

Apply Today!
NELFT Practitioner with coloured background