Involvement Representatives at NELFT
At NELFT we firmly believe that people who use our services and those that support them, have a key role in helping us improve the services we currently provide and in helping us shape the design and delivery of future services.
NELFT offers a range of paid voluntary opportunities for those who use our community health and /or mental health services, including child health services, to share their views, ideas and expertise.

As an Involvement Representative you could be involved in:
- Sitting on interview panel involving NELFT staff recruitment (Interview training essential)
- Participating in committees to represent patient and carers voice
- Supporting service development via workshops / regular project meetings
- Monitoring the quality of services within NELFT services
- Consultation on Trust policies as part of reading panels
- Membership of your local IPCEP (Integrated Patient & Carer Experience Partnership) group
- Membership of your strategic SPCEP (Strategic Patient &Carer Experience Partnership) group which oversees the IPCEP Groups
Please visit this website to explore the different careers within health & social care across North East London. You will find helpful advice about CV writing and submitting an application for work experience or volunteering, as well as insightful case studies to give an insight into different roles.
Interested in being an Involvement Representative?
If you would like more information please contact the patient experience team on 0300 555 1201 ext 64228 / 64382 / 64229
or email involvement@nelft.nhs.uk
Apply Now!