Nursing Careers at NELFT Nursing Careers at NELFT
Sylvia - NELFT Practitioner


Our nursing team is the beating heart of the organisation. As a Trust we’re invested in your wellbeing and professional development and we understand that patient experience is directly linked to staff experience.

Whether you’re working as part of our community district nursing teams helping to keep patients in their homes, in one of our two inpatient units, or with schools and early years as part of our health visiting team, the role you play is crucial to maintaining healthy communities. 

As part of our nursing team you’ll thrive in a people orientated environment working with patients, carers and staff. 

You’ll meet new challenges with passion and enthusiasm and be a valued member of our nursing family. 

Feeling like you’ve made a difference and seeing the young people get better,
is so rewarding.

Every young person we see is unique, which makes it really interesting,
every day is different.

Chelsea Robins - NELFT Practitioner

“Receiving letters from young people thanking me for my support makes me proud.”

Chelsea Robinson – Mental Health Nurse 

NELFT Practitioner

Student Placements

NELFT offers a variety of learning experiences to nursing students. Our practice experience facilitators (PEFS) support the students, the practice assessors, and practice supervisors during placements. They maintain links with the Higher Education Institutes to ensure high-quality practice placements are available that offer students the opportunity to meet their identified learning outcomes.

Working closely with the higher education institutes we provide placements for three different routes to registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council:

  • Bachelor of Science – Working with our partner universities, we provide placements for the four fields of Nursing – Adult, Child, Learning Disabilities and Mental Health.
  • Postgraduate Diploma – This route is open to those who have previously undertaken a healthcare related degree.
  • Masters of Science – This is a Masters level course which also leads to registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
Read more about Student Placements

Nursing Skills Escalator

There are many different routes to gain qualifications and skills to progress your nursing career. These could be vocational qualifications, traditional academic options, or learning on the job at work.

At NELFT, we have created a Nursing Pathway Escalator, which allows you to visualise your development and career journey, with an understanding of the skills and knowledge you need to take the next step.

There are a wealth of resources, tools and training at the Trust. Join us today to progress your nursing career.

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“Since completing the Band 6 Nursing Development Programme, I have qualified as a non-medical prescriber and progressed onto a Band 7 role. The training & development team, my manager and team members were very supportive in allowing me time to complete the programme, and helping with anything that I was not sure of. In a very short amount of time, I feel I have progressed significantly.”

Candice – District Nurse Team Lead